How to Handle Schedule Changes

With the significant changes in the high school schedule, Timber Creek students may be worried about how to deal with any schedule issues.

Fear not. This post should help you work through the issues.

First Things First
Students arriving to Timber Creek on Monday will find their first period locations posted in the main hall by student name.  Students are to report to first period to get a final schedule. Administrators will be available for assistance and teachers will be in the halls to help direct students to the various rooms.

Work in Progress
The schedules posted in the Home Access Center and even those distributed in first period classrooms may not be the student’s final schedule. Timber Creek counselors have been working long hours to get students into classes and lunches. As the week progresses, classes will be balancing their rosters and adjustments will be made.

No Requests Monday
Administrators and counselors have been working extremely hard to get students to fit into the adjusted schedules. Please be aware that all requests for schedule changes will not be considered until after Monday.

Request the Right Way
TCHS counselors will consider schedule change requests after Monday. To make a request, please contact your student’s counselor. Students are assigned to a counselor based on their last name. To find out the name of your student’s counselor and their contact information, please click here to access the counselor page on the Timber Creek website.  After Monday, the counseling office may be contacted at 817-744-2311 for schedule-change processes.

Hang in There
We know it’s tough re-adjusting to the school year, making a transition to high school, or just not having everything exactly as we want it for day one. Just hang in there, Falcons. Things will be all sorted out soon.