Timber Creek High School Announces New Student Publication

Timber Creek High School in Keller Independent School District has announced the creation of a new student publication starting in the 2014-15 school year.

The student publication, “Timber Creek Talon,” is a digital publication that is available on all web browsers, tablets, smart phones, and other mobile devices.

Students in Journalism classes at Timber Creek will contribute to the content, design, and editorial mission of the Talon, according to Journalism teacher Greg Janda.

Janda says the publication is designed to showcase student work, provide publishing experience, and to help inform the community.

“The Talon’s mission is to help get students involved in a real, functioning publication that’s tuned into the developing digital space,” Janda said. “We hope to be more than the traditional student newspaper by providing multimedia content, updating frequently, and connecting with students, teachers, and the surrounding community via social media.”

For more information on the Talon, contact Greg Janda.