The Promising Prospect of Spanish IV AP


Living in the U.S. comes with a unique benefit: citizens come from anywhere and speak any language. But with a predominance of Spanish, it’s a good idea for students to get a leg-up in a second language. Students enrolled in a Spanish III course have the option to do just that in the coming school year.

Spanish 4 AP will take the way students speak Spanish and polish it. The immersion course is conducted all in Spanish, but instructor Señora Baker promises that the ear will get used to hearing Spanish and learning in class will become seamless.

As one of many constructive practices, Spanish IV AP students can expect plenty of verbal practice. “In class we do a lot more speaking,” Baker explains. “That is one of the lowest proficiencies.” It may be intimidating to speak another language, but this class is the way to build courage and perfect fluency.

The course is for anyone looking to improve their speaking ability. When asked if Spanish IV AP would help with verbalization, Baker said, “I would say yes. Overall, it helps confidence.” Confidence is what next year’s students direly need.

Spanish IV AP students will be able to speak with native speakers and, therein, become accustomed to the language in a more intimate sense than performing work from a textbook.

“People come here able to speak English. It would be nice to show them that we know at least a little of their language,” Baker said.

Lots of kids have expressed concern over homework loads. Señora Baker wants it understood that all work can be done in class. “There’s a lot in class. This isn’t like World History AP or AP U.S. History. It doesn’t compare to other AP classes.”

It is likely that too many people will pass up the chance to take this class out of fear for putting what they’ve learned to the test. With intentions of allaying any inhibitions, Señora Baker encourages students by saying, “The class is not as difficult as you think.”

The decision to take any AP class is an important one, and this class is an excellent place to begin. Fluency in a foreign language is an admirable skill, one that Europeans have no problem with.

Students who have completed Spanish III can select this valuable course next year.

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Hannah Blake is a sophomore Features writer for the Timber Creek Talon.