Why Timber Creek Doesn’t Have Open Campus Lunch

Students are seen in the cafeteria through the security gates that limit access to the cafe portion. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Nancy Davis.)
Students are seen in the cafeteria through the security gates that limit access to the cafe portion. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Nancy Davis.)

There has been a long standing debate on whether or not students should be allowed to have off campus lunch. By having off campus lunches, students would be able to leave the school for their lunch period instead of being required stay in the cafeteria during that time.

An informal poll of Timber Creek students conducted via Twitter showed 74 students in favor of open campus lunch with 4 opposed.

TCHS Assistant Principal James Johnson said there are positive impacts of off-campus lunches.

“It gives students a sense of freedom and responsibility. It allows for local businesses to get even more people eating at their facilities and that increases profit and recognition,” Johnson said in an interview with the Talon.

But for every good reason to allow it there are negatives.

Johnson said off-campus lunches could lead to reduced workers in the cafeteria and increased safety concerns during lunch periods.

“It would cause traffic concerns around the school and businesses that the students will be eating at. With the traffic concern, there is also the risk of more accidents, which no one wants,” Johnson said.

Another concern is students not making it back to school on time…or at all.

“There is a huge issue with truancy and kids not coming back to school,” Johnson explained.

When asked how students could change the off-campus lunch policy, Johnson suggested talking to Keller district level administration about the idea.

Using the Keller ISD “Let’s Talk” form, the Talon contacted District Representative Dustin Blank who suggested talking to Timber Creek administration further about the idea of an open campus lunch.

“I would say one of the issues that would be of concern is students safety and security,” Blank commented.

With both positive and negative aspects, the debate over off-campus lunches may continue. For now, students are reminded to remain on campus during their lunch periods.

If you have further questions about off-campus lunches or other procedures at Timber Creek, use this e-mail address to contact the Talon.

Reporting by Jordan Frazier. Editing by TCHS Talon Staff.