10 Things Seniors Need to Know By March 20

march 20 seniors

Seniors, here’s the 10 things you need to know before March 20.

  1. FAFSA Workshop Night is once again rescheduled for March 17th from 6:00-8:00 pm in the Library. A representative from TCC will be here to help our current senior parents fill out their financial aid application. Parents, please bring necessary documents to assist you in your application.
  2. The last chance to purchase tickets to attend Project Graduation will be March 20th. Price is $75.00 each.
  3. Seniors should have already purchased their cap and gown. If you haven’t, the only way to get one is to go online to www.balfourfortworth.com and order. They are no longer taking orders at TCHS. Cap and gowns will be delivered to the students in May.
  4. Senior Prom is scheduled for May 16 at the Texas Motor Speedway from 7:00 pm to Midnight. The theme is White Diamonds. Prom
    tickets will be sold on March 17 during all lunches and March 27 during all lunches. These are the only 2 days you can
    purchase tickets. Ticket prices are $100 each which includes a full dinner (buffet style with 2 salads, chicken and filet, 2
    starches, beverage.)
  5. Students bringing a non-TCHS guest must fill out a “date form” available in the front office, counseling office, Mrs. Kiser’s room C113, and Mr. Day’s room M226 beginning March 16. These forms must be completed and returned to Mr. Day prior to April 30 for the guest to be added to the guest list.
  6. Senior Class Officers need to see Mr. Day in M226 regarding your senior class officer graduation
    cord prior to March 20.
  7. If you are graduating this year and are expecting a green cord, then you must see Mr. Day in M226 prior
    to March 20th for your cord information.
  8. Student Council Senior Members wanting to purchase their STUCO graduation cord need to see Mr. Day in M226
    prior to March 20.
  9. Graduation Rehearsal has been set for Friday, May 29, at 8:00 am in the Gym. Seniors will need to arrive in their cap and gown and collars ready for the rehearsal by 8:00 am. The panoramic picture will be at 11:00 am. Students will receive their tickets and pertinent information for graduation at the rehearsal and it is mandatory for all graduating seniors. Students who were selected to carry an international flag must be present at the rehearsal and must be on time at the graduation ceremony to participate in the international flag event.
  10. Graduation itself is on May 30, 2015 at 4:00 pm, at College Park Center, 601 Spaniolo Drive, Arlington, TX 76019.