Student Council Holds Elections March 3

stuco vote march 3

Student council elections will be held March 3 during lunch. Students will vote for class president, vice president and additional officers.

The primary job the senior class president has to do is take care of this important dance. That includes fundraisers for prom and dealing with all the costs of the dance. The president will also hold all the senior student council meetings.

How do you know that someone is a good president? Some of the qualifications include having a good standing in STUCO for at least one year and have a good standing in the student body for at least one year. To qualify, candidates also have to have a parents’ recommendation and a GPA of 80 or above. They also need to have a citizenship of satisfactory or above.

Make sure you keep a look out for campaigning throughout the last week of February and have a decision made by March 3.