“Why Are We Learning This?”


There are a lot of students who believe that many of the subjects we learn about in school are pointless. Why would we have to learn them if we are never going to remember it or use it in our future careers?

We asked Timber Creek students and teachers to share their thoughts on the simple question “Why are we learning this?”

Theater Tech students had common questions, such as why such a class would be important for the rest of a child’s life.

“I don’t believe it’s going to help me with my future career. I plan on going into science or business. Not theater tech,” said student Rebekah Hatten.

So what does Theatre instructor Blake Wilson think?

“With Tech Theater, just like any other art form, it expands creativity and gives children a different kind of outlet and work their brain in that sort of way,” Wilson said.

How, though, in real life does this effect someone in a good way?

“Creative thinking and problem solving” is a highlight to taking this class, Wilson explained. Those two things give many answers to hard situations. “If anything breaks in my house, I can fix it,” Wilson mentioned.

Another class that seemed to make students question why it was important, was Principles of Agriculture. This class may not seem like much, but it actually has a lot of use.

Landry Stokes agrees that PAG is a useful class for many reasons.

“In a happy meal, the fries are fried in corn oil, the soda contains high fructose corn syrup, and even the beef was corn-fed. In fact if you were born in the last 30 years, it’s possible that you’ve never tasted a grass-fed steak. It’s crazy!” Stokes said. “The point is, it’s extremely important to understand what’s going on in Agriculture, because all that excess corn has led to type 2 diabetes and obesity. That causes problems to our entire nation.”

Not convinced yet? Agriculture teacher Whitney Hurd had a few things to say about it herself.

“In Principles of Agriculture we learn a little bit about everything, so they’re gonna learn about how to plant plants, how to take care of plants, basic animal and animal welfare care, and they’re going to learn about crops and different agricultural issues. And everybody, no matter what career your in you’re going to use agriculture some way. Whether you’re at the grocery store buying food, your putting fuel in your truck, [or] you’re going to the mechanic. All that is PAG based,” Hurd said.

The class is essential to understanding the basic things that you have watched your parents do since you were too little to even remember.

The last class that was questionable was biology. What is the point of such a class, if most of the information the kids learn will be forgotten and disregarded?

“Only a handful of careers will use the information we learn and if you don’t intend on pursuing one then I feel it’s a waste,” student Trevor Shoemaker said.

This is probably how most students feel, but what does a biology teacher think? Biology instructor Heathar Parker shared her thoughts.

“The study of science in general helps you learn how to think, that’s kind of one of the points of it — to learn how to think logically. I think that the discipline that it takes to learn a science is something that will translate to all other areas of your life even if you never go into a science class again after high school,” Parker said.

But what about the information we are actually using in class, how will that help later in life?

“Later in life, if they have children, understanding what their doctor is talking about, you know? But also becoming well-informed citizens so that they’re able to make good choices when it comes time to vote and to participate in their community,” Parker said.

These classes may not seem like much, but don’t blow them off. Each has strategies that will be important in your life and focusing and understanding these classes will help you immensely.