Senior Class Offers One Last Chance for Prom Tickets

last chance for prom tickets

The Senior Class is offering one last chance for Prom tickets this Friday, April 10.

Seniors can buy the tickets in Mrs. Kiser’s room C113 before and after school, during lunches, or even during a passing period.

Tickets cost $100 each for the May 16 event. This covers a buffet-style dinner which will have two types of salads, chicken/filet, two types of starches and beverages.

If you would like to bring someone who doesn’t attend TCHS, they must get a “date form” from either the front office, counseling office, Mrs. Kiser’s room (C113), or Mr. Day’s room (M226). These will be available starting on March 16 and will have to be completed and returned to Mr. Day before April 30.