The Balancing Act


Among the academically capable students at Timber Creek High School there are many athletically talented, musically enhanced, and artistically gifted students.

That includes a range of hard-working students – some who are challenging themselves to balance academics, activities, and employment.

Those challenges might lead them to sacrifice things that shouldn’t be sacrificed – including being a normal teenager.

Senior Camden Ross explains his many involvements inside and out of school. He is an officer for the National Honor Society, is in multiple AP classes, works an average of about 28 hours per week, is involved with his church, and is currently preparing for being a member of the University of Houston football team.

With so many responsibilities in one school year, how does Ross balance everything?

“It’s all about time management. Every night I allocate myself two hours for homework, and sometimes it’s a little tiring after work,” he adds, “especially when I’m coming home at midnight.”

It hasn’t always been this way. Ross explained that in his earlier high school career, he wasn’t as serious about his academics and future as he is now.

“I was mostly goofy my freshman year, and it led to my first C, ever. My mom even threatened to take me out of football, and when she did, it gave me a huge wake-up call,” Ross said.

The work is clearly well worth it. Ross mentioned his ambitions and aspirations, including making his mother happy and giving himself and his family the best life possible.

“It’s important to know what you need and what you want, and sacrificing things is always tough. Especially when my friends are all doing something and I have to work or do some project,” but, he adds, “it’s still so worth it.”

Not only is balancing work and AP classes already difficult, but his preparation for college football takes up time in his schedule. Ross explained what it takes to be a future player for the University of Houston.

“I have a certain training program, and I’m expected to work out every day for about an hour and a half,” Ross said. He even has to leave the day after graduation to start training.

Savannah Martin, another senior, is also busy student – she is the senior class Vice President, is a part of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), is in Student Council, on the Prom Committee, takes AP Stats, competes in varsity Track and Field, and has a job as well. She will be attending Texas State University in the fall.

“It feels like high school flew by so quickly and this year is the best year yet, and although life is so busy sometimes, it makes it fun,” Martin said.

Martin makes sure that she makes time for everything she is responsible for. She, too, believes in time management, and has learned that time management is the key for a busy life.

Although two students cant speak for the entire senior class, or even the school, Ross and Martin are the reflection of what it means to be a working student, with sacrifices and adversities along the way.