Timber Creek Holds Talent Show This Friday

Photo from 2015 Talent Show dress rehearsal. (Photos courtsey of Tanner Wilemon)
Photo from 2015 Talent Show dress rehearsal. (Photos courtsey of Tanner Wilemon)

Come watch Timber Creek’s Talent Show on Friday, May 1.

The show will be held in the auditorium starting at 7 p.m., and costs $5 per ticket at all lunches and $7 at the door.

This year there was a great turn out with 27 participants.

Check out this slideshow from dress rehearsal:

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Here are this years participants…

Vocal w/ live accompaniment:
TCHS Jazz Band
Erin Jerrigan
Phil and Michael of Beside the Point
Addison and Aspen Davis
Nicole Small and Daniele Torres
Elijah Watkins
Stephen John Covers
Matt Rogers

Vocal w/ CD accompaniment:
Janay Souter
Anjal Watkins
Shelby Winborne
Christle Jade Makayabo
Andrew Richmond
J Crew
Destiny’s Other Children
Quarter Black
Destiny Fitch
Dianne Braxton

Devonte Williams
No No Bels
Hilary Davis
Caitlyn Crawford
Kim Corona
Taylor Harris

Carlo Dooley
Quinton  Porter
Hannah Bitts

The show will be hosted by Mr. Day. Additionally, organizers say they will be special guests and a few other people (maybe a teacher or two?) showing off their talents.