New School Year Brings Mixed Reactions


The start of the 2015-2016 year has given the students and faculty a preview of the new hybrid block schedule, but teachers and students alike have mixed feedback after the first week.

Click here for a detailed explanation of the hybrid block schedule with A and B days.

We asked many students how they felt about these particular subjects and the variety and amount of answers was astounding. Lots of students had opinions on their least favorite things about school.

Many believe the classes are too long, the lunch too short and the schedule in general is confusing.

“It makes it feel like the weeks are longer,” junior Heavyn Snyder said about the new block schedule.

Sophomore Brielle Fringer says that the schedule definitely took some time to adjust to.

“At first it was kind of complicated and hard to get used to, but after a while it was fine,” Fringer explained.

For students Ryan Tidwell and Allison Rowland, their least favorite thing about school is “all the homework.”

Because of all the homework, many can’t attend the extra events that Timber Creek offers.

“I don’t go to the football games, because I have too much homework and not enough time.” Lauren Schubert says.

However, a few students are keeping a positive mindset and enjoy the schedule. Sophomore Meredith Stuart believes the schedule to be helpful.

“I like the schedule because I can get my work done and its not due the next day,” Stuart says. With having the same classes every other day, it gives students more time for homework, projects, and other school related items they may need time for.

“Because I have WHAP (World History AP), it’s especially great,” Stuart added.

Faculty and staff members also seem to find pros and cons to the new schedule as well. They believe it is good for their teaching and grading time, but there are still some concerns about the block days. 10th grade math teacher Karen Dugan believes that “you’re in here for too long, and you lose focus.”

With both pros and cons for the schedule, there is also the subject of every other day being different.

Brielle Fringer says that she prefers B days because, “I know more people at my lunch and I like my classes on B day better.”

Ryan Tidwell says B days are her favorite as well. “I get to go to some easy classes and I have English.”

Beyond the schedule and level of homework, students are also concerned about dress code; they wish a lot of it would change.

“At times I feel like it’s unfair cause with sports and like working out and stuff, guys can wear tank tops and girls can’t which I just don’t think is fair,” Fringer said.

Allison Rowland agrees and says that, “A lot of it is really dumb, like the fact that you can’t wear tank tops.”

Still, other students don’t care very much and they were happy to tell me that they like it the way it is. “I would keep the dress code pretty much the same,” Schubert says.

Tidwell agrees with Schubert and says that, “I feel like it’s a good dress code if only they could enforce it more.”

Information from reporters Avery Vaughn and Madison Butler.