UPDATE: So When Do We Eat? New Lunches Explained

While scouring through their schedules, Timber Creek High School students have a simple question left unanswered — when’s lunch?

UPDATE: The table below has been updated to the latest announced version, but lunch schedules may still change in the future.

As noted when we first explained the new schedule (click this link), students will have lunch during their 3rd Period class. Students will eat alongside other classes by subject area.

So grab your schedule, check your 3rd Periods, and consult the Lunch Table. Pun not intended:

final lunches 8-20-15

Here’s what that means to students. Check your 3rd Period class. If it’s a science class on A or B Days, you have A Lunch from 11:05 a.m. to 11:35 a.m. on both A Days and B Days. After that, you’d continue to science class for 11:40 a.m. through 1:10 p.m.

But what if you’re in an English class during 3rd Period? That means during A Days, you’d go to 3rd Period English from 11:05 to 11:35 a.m., then you’re in B Lunch from 11:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m., and back to English until 1:10 p.m. But that’s only on A Days.

Because on B Days, if you’re in an English class, you’d go to class from 11:05 a.m. straight through to 12:35 p.m., then head to D Lunch, 12:35 p.m. to 1:10 p.m.

Now it’s important to remember that students don’t normally have the same subject class in the same 3rd Period on both A and B Days, so it’s possible that students will have C Lunch from 12:05 p.m. to 12:35 p.m. on both A and B Days if they’re in a Social Studies course on A Days, and a Math class on B Days.

If you’re still confused, remember a couple of key things:

  • On the first day of school (which is an A Day, by the way), teachers will be able to help you better understand when you’re scheduled to go to lunch. Why are we so sure teachers will be able to help? Because they eat at the same time as their classes.
  • Looking for a lunch buddy? You’ll be with your 3rd Period class, so if you’ve got a friend in there, you’re assured they’ll be at lunch with you.
  • Finally, if you still have questions about things, try us on Twitter. (@TCHSTalon) We’ll keep trying to help.