Join the All-New Law and Mock Trial Club


Ms. Sterling, Timber Creek’s Criminal Justice teacher, is sponsoring the new Law and Mock Trial Club.

The club’s purpose is to support, mentor, and guide students interested in the Law and Public Safety Corrections and Security career pathways.

Members will have the opportunity to collaborate and discuss major issues and hot topics in the criminal justice sector, as well as participate in a high school level Law Enforcement Texas Public Service Association competition and a Mock Trial competition.

The club is open to any student enrolled or previously enrolled in any Law Enforcement class, and will meet on Monday afternoons starting on Oct. 5 from 3:45 – 4:45 p.m. in N204 (Ms. Sterling’s room). There is a signup form and $35 membership fee, so stop by N204 prior to the first meeting to pick up the required paperwork.

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Maddie Anderson is a student reporter and photo editor for the Timber Creek Talon. She is also a member of the Timber Creek Band and plays the flute/piccolo.