Student Council Project Aims to Redefine “Beautiful”


A Timber Creek Student Council project is aiming to redefine “beautiful” at the school.

Student Council is hosting “Project Beautiful” on Sept. 18, 2015. “Project Beautiful” is a campaign that empowers and encourages girls to be themselves and love who they are. On the day of the event girls are asked and highly encouraged to come to school without makeup for the day.

Student Council member Brianna Mendez brought the idea to the group’s sponsor Mr. Day

“The mission is simple on the surface, to tell everyone that they are beautiful, but, it’s more than that,” Mendez explained. “It’s aiming to tell everyone that they not only possess such an immense beauty, but that they are loved, cared for, not alone, and that there will always be someone for them to turn to.”

The point is to boost self-confidence among an age group that is overwhelmingly consumed by appearance.

“Project Beautiful” will take place at school all day. Student council will be filling the school with mirrors, sticky notes, and makeup remover booths that will be free for student use. The mirrors are provided so girls can look at themselves throughout the day as a reminder that they are beautiful just the way they are. On the sticky notes will be handwritten compliments and words of encouragement. Students are welcome to take these notes and hand them out to others or write and distribute their own. All the supplies needed to remove makeup will be at the booths if someone changes their mind and decides to participate once they arrive at school.

Guys can get involved by giving out sticky notes with compliments or anything encouraging.

“I hope that they will recognize that they are just as important of a factor to this campaign as the girls are to each other,” said Mendez.

A lot of guys are interested to see if the campaign is successful and are already encouraging girls to participate. Along with many other guys, junior Jeremiah Miller told us the project “sounds awesome” and he is looking forward to participating.

Miller also explained that he does think girls are, “insecure because they think they don’t look like ‘perfect’ girls when it’s the exact opposite.”

“We make them feel like they have to look like the ‘perfect’ girl with the ‘perfect’ makeup. Which makes them look like something they’re not,” Miller said.

Project Beautiful has been put on at many different schools over the years and was a huge success at Keller High School last year.

It is crucial for the student body to understand that many girls will be overcoming a huge insecurity that day. Student council encourages all the girls to participate. It will truly be a sight to see.

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Ashton Yeatts is a senior at Timber Creek who plans to major in journalism at Liberty University. This is her first year as a reporter for the Talon.