TCHS Goes High Tech for Homecoming Court Votes


Timber Creek High School has moved from paper ballots to a new SMS polling system for students to nominate and select their 2015 homecoming court.

TCHS students were able to use the Poll Everywhere service to nominate Homecoming King and Queen as well as members of the homecoming court for the junior, sophomore, and freshman classes.

Students used their phones during their 3rd Period lunches on Sept. 2 and 3 to nominate students for the positions. Those nominations were collected and sorted to include the names below. (Click here to jump to the list of nominees)

During the Sept. 4 2nd Period TCTV morning video announcements, nominees for Homecoming King and Queen were revealed and students were able to immediately vote for their choice.

Underclassmen court positions were similarly revealed and able to be voted on by students during the Sept. 8 TCTV morning video announcements.

Voting was limited in time and only allowed one phone number to enter for each position. For example, a single student could vote for each position (King, Queen, and each underclassman position), but could not vote more than once for a single candidate nor could they vote for multiple candidates in that position.

Utilizing students’ access to technology and attention to TCHS information systems like the TCTV morning announcements, Lunchroom announcement systems, and Talon social media, over 1900 responses were entered from students before the Sept. 8 underclassmen court voting.

See the list of homecoming court members nominated by students below. King and Queen will be crowned at the Sept. 11 Homecoming varsity football game. Underclassmen representatives will be crowned during the Sept. 12 Homecoming Dance.

Homecoming Queen
Kaleigh Johnson
Ashlan Smith
Caroline Anderson
Julia McGillick
Madison Shrader
Anna Mueller

Homecoming King
Daniel Nkoola
Joseph Cotton
Mattew O’Brien
Daniel Gamber
Charles Keefe
Jacob Conners

Junior Males
Mattew Goin
Austin Miyanishi
Timothy Allison

Junior Females
Addison Davis
Catherine Kosek
Makenzie Magee

Sophomore Males
Aaron Frye
Eric Albo
Samuel Schlebach

Sophomore Females
Arielle Bautista
Skylar Martinez
Lauren Lassetter

Freshmen Males
Jared Gamber
Jackson Fowler

Freshmen Females
Carolyn Patterson
Kaylee Bogle