Tennis Trains Hard for Strong Season Start

Tennis player Stacy Wan practices on the Timber Creek court. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Tavin Stewart.)
(Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Tavin Stewart.)

“Winners train, losers complain…” That is Coach Roger Thomas’s motto for his Timber Creek tennis players.

The TC teams have been doing great thus far, with both Varsity and JV 1 teams in season now. JV1’s record is 4-1 and Varsity’s is 7-4 currently.  Junior Varsity two and three’s season begins in the Spring, although they have been working hard and practicing year round.

Coach Thomas has been Timber Creek’s tennis coach since the school opened and has big plans for this season.

“Coach Thomas is an awesome coach, joking around with us, but also always gives us lots of advice to play better and always keeps our spirits up when we’re down in matches,” said varsity senior Callie Chambers.

Tennis is the only co-ed sport that allows you to play with boys and girls for your match here at TC.

“The tennis team is one big family for sure,” Chambers said. “Even being a coed team, we’re all still so close. We’re always laughing and having a great time, even Coach Thomas.”

Varsity competes in their matches every Tuesday this fall, and Junior Varsity competes on Thursdays. Tournaments for tennis are an all-day affair. Teams that are specifically supposed to play all load onto the bus early in the morning. These teams may play at various campuses depending on if they’re playing singles, doubles or mixed doubles.

“Bus rides are crazy. We laugh so much and there’s a lot of yelling. We get really excited to play, and it’s just always a good time being with the tennis family,” said Chambers.

Tennis is a no-cut sport, so every year if one would like to stay in the tennis class they compete in evaluations typically in the month of May. Freshmen coaches at the two feeding school’s either, Timberview or Trinity Springs usually get an e-mail letting the students know Timber Creek is holding evaluations after school.

“I was really nervous at first to try out, but everyone was so nice and a little crazy so that took the edge off,” Emily Prater, a junior on the varsity team, said. “All the upperclassmen are really welcoming and are willing to help anyone improve and do the best they can at tryouts and throughout the season.”

“It’s an amazing feeling to be surrounded by such amazing and talented tennis players, it feels like we’re one big family and were always giving each other a helping hand,” Lauren Lassetter, a sophomore on the JV1 team, said.