Timber Creek Joins Campaign to “Stomp Out Bullying”

Samples of brochures created by Professional Communications students to participate in the "Stomp Out Bullying" campaign.
Samples of brochures created by Professional Communications students to participate in the “Stomp Out Bullying” campaign.

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Timber Creek Professional Communications teachers Angela Young and Taylor May, teamed up together to help stop bullying by joining the campaign “Stomp Out Bullying” and implemented the campaign in their classes.

“Stomp Out Bullying” focuses on reducing and preventing all types of bullying, but the cyberbullying aspect has been a key component for Young and May’s classes.

“’Stomp Out Bullying’ mainly focuses on cyberbullying because it’s such a technical world we live in,” May said.

May and Young’s professional communication classes have been working on posters and projects that revolve around the campaign.

The posters, videos, and other information shared by the campaign have affected many students at Timber Creek.

“I’ve seen some of the posters and projects that the students have done and they are really powerful. It makes me rethink what I say online and make sure that I don’t say things that could be taken different ways,” junior Rylee Jones explained.

“Cyberbullying needs to have light shown on it because people don’t realize the effects it has on people,” Savannah McLain, who is in May’s professional communications class, commented. “The Stomp Out Bullying lessons really affected me because I know now, how severe cyberbullying is and the warning signs of constant bullying.”

“Stomp Out Bullying really showed me that any form of bullying shouldn’t be done,” Destiny Holdman, a junior, noted.

Stomp Out Bullying is a nationwide campaign that has student ambassadors for each state.

“Stomp Out Bullying has celebrity sponsors and that’s a really big thing,” Young said. Celebrity sponsors include Nick Cannon and Bella Thorne.

For more information on the campaign, go to StompOutBullying.org

Editor’s Note: An earlier quote included in this story gave the impression Timber Creek students had been hired by the organization to create material. The quote was made to describe the fictitious scenario students used in the classroom to create their content.

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Ashley Nagel is attending Texas A&M University in Fall 2017 to study psychology and journalism. She would like to thank Greg Janda and the amazing Talon staff for her experiences from the last two years.