Choir Hosts Fall Show on Oct. 27

The Falcon Pizzazz show choir performs on Jan. 30, 2015. (Photo from The Creek Yearbook)
The Falcon Pizzazz show choir performs on Jan. 30, 2015. (Photo from The Creek Yearbook)

The TCHS Choir Program will be holding their annual fall concert next Tuesday, Oct. 27.

It will be held in the FAC at 7:00p. It is completely free for both students and parents.

Each choir will be performing at least two pieces from a number of different choral genres.

Selections include songs from One Direction and the musical “The Wiz.”

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Zoe Ross is the fine arts editor and student reporter for the Timber Creek Talon. She loves Harry Potter, choral music, Chinese food, and her english bulldog Bubba.