How Your Text Messages Can Pick the “Tardy Tunes”

You’ve heard the Timber Creek fight song for weeks now between passing periods — now it’s your turn to voice your opinion on the “Tardy Tunes.”

We’re opening up a poll during lunches on Tuesday, Oct. 6 to allow students to vote for the genre they’d like to hear during the last 30-seconds of the passing period each day.

Here’s how it works:

  • TCHS students may vote once per phone number by sending in the keyword of their choice to 37607 via SMS/Text messaging and including their student ID. For example, students should send “TT80s 123456” to 37607 to vote for the Pop genre.
  • Students can choose from the following choices of genres (type of music); 80’s Rock, Old School R&B, Alternative, or Current Country.
  • TCHS Administration will review the voting and select music within that genre to play during the last portion of the passing periods. Song choices will be at the discretion of TCHS Administrators.
  • The poll will only be open during lunches during Oct. 6 and is limited to students at Timber Creek High School.
  • Votes may be disqualified for irregularities such as duplicate student IDs or other means to influence the polling system.
  • Standard message or data rates may apply. Information collected will be used solely to verify results.

A previous poll was held on Sept. 21, 2015.