Nerves, Excitement Power “Guys and Dolls” Casting Process


It’s the day that most every theater kid either anticipates or dreads. A day full of rehearsing song measures and reciting lines. Full of nerves and constant anxiety. Full of non-stop eagerness and dedication. Audition day.

Auditions for this year’s musical, Guys and Dolls, took place on Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2015.

“This was the toughest audition yet. We had 92 audition for 32 roles,” Theatre Director Amanda Brundrett said.

Those 92 were broken up into groups of 6 students who would go into the audition room together. From there they are to preform their given monologue and song.

“It’s always a nervous excitement when it comes to auditions. There is a pressure to do your best to get the role, but it’s a lot of fun to be auditioning along such talented people,” Junior, Rylee Jones, said.

“I felt pretty confident going into auditions! I was mainly excited, but also a bit nervous,” Another student who auditioned, Junior Hannah McIntyre, said. “But it didn’t take long for me to start second guessing myself, thinking ‘Did I say the monologue right?’ or ‘What if it wasn’t good enough?’. The questions bombarded me, but my friends and family reminded me that whatever I did that it was all going to turn out okay. Everything happens for a reason and to stop going over the ‘what ifs’ and just wait and hope for the best.”

The night of auditions, those who participated waited for the list that would tell them whether they were called back or not. It’s not the cast list, but rather the director’s way of saying that they want to see more of what you can do before they make a final decision. Although some people were not called back, that didn’t count them out entirely either.

“After auditions, it’s a relief, but then it turns into lots of stress waiting for the callback list and a cast lis,”Jones said. “The waiting game is the worst. But if you are called back, it’s such an amazing feeling. It’s like getting a golden ticket, a chance for a principal or an ensemble role. Or at least a chance to prove to the directors that you’re worthy. The stakes are definitely higher at callbacks.”

Those called back showed up ready to prove to the directors that they deserve a spot in the musical. Callbacks consisted of choreography, more singing and reading scenes with a partner.

“During callbacks, some people were really focused and tense, but others were just really excited and ready to go” McIntyre explained. After callbacks, the waiting game continues.

Almost all of those who auditioned stayed up waiting on the night of callbacks, hoping to get their hands on the cast list when it’s tweeted out by Brundrett.

However, this year was a little different. This year, the directors decided to veer away from tradition and rather than releasing a full cast list, Brundrett personally hand delivered letters to the cast with their fate sealed inside.

“It was weird not waiting until midnight for the list to go up and it was definitely an intense waiting process. That’s what we’ve always done, so not knowing was hectic. No one knew what the directors were planning and we definitely didn’t expect those letters,” McIntyre said.

Company members received letters starting during second period on the day after callbacks, congratulating them on their role along with the company contract required to accept.

McIntyre explained her reaction when she received the mysterious envelope. “I got a letter with nothing on the front to hint as to what it was, my first thought was this is probably just a letter from a college thing or the school. I don’t know why that would be the case, but I definitely didn’t think it was a letter for the musical. I opened the letter, trying not to draw to much attention to me, really confused as to what I was opening, and the first thing I see is “GUYS AND DOLLS” in the middle of this letter. My heart picked up pace rapidly and I started reading the letter that said I had been offered a part. I literally almost screamed I was so excited, but my teacher was still teaching at the front of the class, so I kept quiet, but that didn’t stop the huge smile that broke out on my face.”

With the company receiving letters, students were beginning to put two-and-two together figuring out who their cast mates were and what to expect.

A week later, the highly anticipated cast list was released. Auditions were a huge success, leaving everyone anticipating this year’s production of Guys and Dolls. Congratulations go out to the cast, listed below:

  • Nathan Detroit- Alec Palmer
  • Adelaide- Megan McCormack
  • Sky Masterson- Caleb Shaw
  • Sarah Brown- Caroline Norton
  • Nicely Nicely Johnson- Aaron Frye
  • Benny Southstreet- Jake Slaughter
  • Rusty Charlie- Nam Nguyen
  • Big Jule- Jesse Champion
  • Harry the Horse- Daniel Nkoola
  • Joey Biltimore- Koji Mendoza
  • Angie the Ox- Spencer Muskopf
  • Liver Lips Louie – Jackson Barrett
  • Society Max- Ben Burke
  • Crap Shooter/ master of ceremonies/ waiter/ New York Guy- Isaac Tellez
  • Crap Shooter- Kevin Garcia
  • Crap Shooter/ Drunk- Daniel Roosa
  • Arvide- Jacob Lund
  • Brannigan- Charlie Keefe
  • Calvin- Ryan Kragsgaard
  • Agatha- Floriana Azemi
  • Mission Doll- Jordan Davis
  • General Matilde B. Cartwright- Savannah McLain
  • Mimi/ Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Moneque Stewart
  • Ferguson/ Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Sarah Scherger
  • Vernon/ Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Cecelia Masikini
  • Allison/ Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Gabby Alvarez
  • Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Mackenzie Horton
  • Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Faith Draz
  • Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Emma Tarter
  • Hot Box Dancer/ Hot Box Dancer- Cassidy Shelton
  • Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Ashlan Smith
  • Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Jordyn King
  • Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Bailey Cooper
  • Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Rylee Jones
  • Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Gabi Galloway
  • Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Hannah McIntyre
  • Hot Box Dancer/ Havana Dancer- Katie Hicks

Show dates are Dec. 10-12 at 7 p.m. and Dec. 13 at 2 p.m.

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Savannah McLain is a Senior at Timber Creek. She is a dancer and youth leader outside of school. She hopes to attend TCU in the fall of 2017. #GoFrogs