TAFE Gold Wins at Competition

tafe team oct 28 2015

The Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) recently competed at the Region XI competition at the Birdville Center for Technology and Advanced learning, on October 28, 2015.

The results are as follower:

Sidney Allen & Faith Kelley – Gold in Bulletin Board

Anna Nguyen & Sarah Marburger – Gold in Bulletin Board

Tori Willis & Sidney Allen – Gold in Chapter Scrapbook

Abbey Duncan – First place in Differentiated Lesson Plan

Kaity Rainwater, Mady Hughes & Valerie Fonseca – Gold in Project Visualize

Ashlee Pigg – Gold in Portfolio

Jazmin Acosta & Siomara Salas – Gold in Leadership Breakout Session

Jordyn King – Gold in Education Leadership Fundamentals

Tori Willis – – Gold in Education Leadership Fundamentals

TAFE’s next meeting is Monday, Nov. 16, 2015.

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Savannah McLain is a Senior at Timber Creek. She is a dancer and youth leader outside of school. She hopes to attend TCU in the fall of 2017. #GoFrogs