This Is How The Fall Semester Ends

how the semester ends full

Between multiple breaks, A/B Days and an early release Finals schedule, students may be confused exactly how the third six weeks will play out. Luckily, we’re here to help.

The end of the second six weeks is Friday, Nov. 13. Teachers are instructed to have collected all work from students by the end of school that day (at 3:40 p.m.) and can’t accept content after that.

Then we’re into the third six weeks and the final stretch of the Fall semester.

nov 2015

Students will have five days of classes between the end of the second six weeks (Nov. 13) and the start of their Thanksgiving Break (Nov. 20). That week, starting with Nov. 16 runs in a BABAB day schedule. (If you’re lost on what that means, check the schedule above provided by Keller ISD.)

Thanksgiving Break runs from Nov. 23-26 before bringing students and teachers back to school on Nov. 30 and starting an ABABA week into December.

From that Nov. 30 return to Dec. 18, students have no adjustment to a standard 5 day a week class schedule. However, on Dec. 18 itself, students will have an early release before the beginning of Holiday/Christmas Break.

dec 2015

In fact, Dec. 18 is the last day students and teachers come to school in 2015. After the new year, students don’t even have to come to school until Jan. 5, 2016 — but teachers have professional development activities on Jan. 4.

From there, it’s a brief sprint to the end of the Fall semester, with only about 6 class days before final exams on Jan. 13-15.

jan 2016

When you break down the A/B Days, things get really surprising. After Friday, Nov. 13, there are only 2 A days until Thanksgiving, 7.5 between Thanksgiving and Holiday/Christmas Break, and 3 more following Holiday break before final exams begin. You get 3 B days until Thanksgiving starting from Nov. 16, 7 even between turkey and Santa, and then 3 before taking final exams.

As in years past, what started in 2015 won’t actually end until 2016, with final exams scheduled for Jan. 13-15, 2016. Unlike last year, though, Jan. 14 and 15 will be early release days following final examinations. Students will take their 1st and 5th period finals on Jan. 13 — which is a full school day. Jan. 14 will have 2A, 3A, and 4A finals before a 12:30 p.m. release. Jan. 15 will have 2B, 3B, and 4B finals before an early release as well.