Students’ Art Donations Help Fill Empty Bowls

A Timber Creek art student paints a vinyl record to create a hand-made bowl.
A Timber Creek art student paints a vinyl record to create a hand-made bowl.

The Timber Creek Art Program is giving back to their community by contributing in a local charity.

The Empty Bowls program is a one time event in which artists in all art classes donate their artwork to the charity to be auctioned off. The proceeds from these sales go to fighting hunger in the Metroplex, specifically through the Tarrant County Food Bank.

Digital Art classes taught by Jennifer Thompson are making bowls out of vinyl records while Chrissy Fitch’s art classes are contributing bowls made out of clay. Together, the art program plans to donate 87 bowls to be sold.

The artists from TCHS are given the option to donate their bowls, but Chrissy Fitch, one of the TCHS art teachers involved in the Empty Bowls program, highly encouraged them to donate.

“I wanted to participate in this for a long time, I’ve been wanting the kids to give back in a positive way,” Fitch said.

“Our contribution in the Empty Bowls Program is very useful for raising awareness in our area and it’s just good to think of others instead of just ourselves,” Art student Abbey Sprick said.

The Empty Bowls event is scheduled for Feb. 19, 2016 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. During the event, you buy a dinner of soup and the proceeds from the dinner will go to the Tarrant County Food bank, as well as your purchase of a hand-made bowl. You buy the bowl and dinner together and the bowls are sold at a variety of prices giving anyone the chance to buy a bowl to impact our community.

Find more information about the event at this link:

Written by 

Avery Vaughn is a student reporter for the Timber Creek Talon. She joined the Talon because of her newly found love of journalistic writing.