The Pressures of Applying for College

common app

As a high school student, teenagers are subject to many pressures early in their lives. Whether it’s focusing on passing classes or deciding what new show to start on Netflix, there seems to always be something. After recent experiences, a main issue seen throughout the juniors and seniors of not only Timber Creek, but everywhere else, is applying for college.

“College pressures are finding and researching schools that interest you and then applying and having to wait and see if you get accepted,” TCHS senior Alexa Fishman said. “I think that waiting is the hardest part for many people, I know it was for me.”

Aside from waiting for a reply, some students can’t seem to find time for the application process.

“After choosing a college that best fits you, you need to figure out a major, sign up for a dorm, and find a roommate — all while juggling your current classes and even a job,” explained Fishman.

“Honestly I hear the word college and my first thought is: Run,” junior Matt Goin jokingly states.

Applying for college is nothing short of stressful. It takes months to figure out and it really weighs down on students. Students have both questions and fears when college comes to their minds. Some even lock away the idea in the back of their mind until much later.

“First I had to get on a common app, where I applied to Texas and filled out the basic information,” senior Emily Clunn said.

Applying for college turned out to be a process much longer and exhausting than Clunn initially thought.

“The forms are highly detailed and time consuming. And just when you think you’re finally done you have to write a essay,” explains Clunn.

“At one point I was so stressed I got my parents to help me…It turned out to be rough,” Clunn said. “Heck, I even had my friend, who’s an English major, help me with my essays.”

Besides the stress of actually applying for college, some students face a different obstacle; figuring out where they want to go.

Students like Junior Sam Himes haven’t put much thought into where they want to go, but rather what they want to do.

“I know what I need to do to prepare, like take the SAT and ACT, but I’m not sure where I want to go. College seems so far away right now, I’m not sure I can handle that with all my classes,” Himes admits.

While college is definitely an important part of a student’s future, everyone interviewed and mentioned agree that students shouldn’t spend all of their time worrying. There is plenty you can do to prepare for college and even fight off that college anxiety. Tips and guides are always available on college websites. Contact the school and they will send you information via e-mail or by mail.