Theatre Moms Sell Sandwiches With a Side of Scholarships


The Theatre Booster Club isn’t what you think of when you hear “clubs and organizations.” But they’re definitely what you’re thinking about every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch, when they sell Chick-fil-A sandwiches. But the Theatre Booster Club is more than just a group of sandwich peddlers; they’re parents making a difference.

We spoke to Ms. Brundrett, a theatre teacher here at TCHS who works with the Booster Clubs, to ask how these parents help the theatre department.

“They also provide meals during show weeks, and lunch for Saturday workshops,” said Brundrett. “They help the department whenever we need anything.”

But we can’t discredit the fundraisers they do, namely the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches that have TCTV kids humming and students lining up.

Brundrett said, “[The Booster Club] has helped exponentially. They’ve raised thousands of dollars. We’ve been able to send kids to camps for acting. The kids that go, they’ve become better actors, better technicians, and better problem solvers. They’ve grown a lot.”

“I feel that boosters make a difference by providing summer camp and college scholarship opportunities for our theater student,” said Andrea Hicks, a mom involved with the boosters. “We support the whole department, and encourage all of the theatre kids.”

And the theatre kids do benefit from their help. We sat down with Rylee Jones, a junior with the Theatre Department, to ask how the Booster Club has affected her personally.

“I’ve learned so much from the camps I’ve attended the past two years, and I couldn’t have attended without the scholarships I received from the boosters,” she told the Talon. “The training I got at the camps helped advance my high school acting career and has created a strong foundation that I can build on for my future career.”

Not to mention meal services; during show seasons, theatre kids spend most of their evenings after school working on the play. They couldn’t do this if they weren’t being fed, and that’s where the Booster Club comes in.

“The boosters keep us fed during all the late night rehearsals and cue to cues, so in away they keeping me living throughout shows. The TC theatre department would be very different without our boosters,” said Jones.

The Theatre Booster club is always ready to support your Timber Creek Falcons, which makes them one of the greater organizations here at Timber Creek.