Class Officer Elections Scheduled for March 8

class officer elections march 8

Timber Creek students are already thinking about next year as class officer candidates campaign ahead of a March 8, 2016 vote.

Multiple officer positions are available for students in various grade levels, including Senior Class President, Vice President, Parliamentarian, and Historian. Additionally, there are Junior Class President and Vice President, Sophomore Class President and Vice President, plus Student Body officers like President, Vice President, Secretary, and Parliamentarian.

Wait…what? A Senior Class President and a Student Body President?

“Student Body president represents the entire student population on campus issues, district level meetings, and on a much broader scale,” Student Council sponsor Brian Day explained. “Senior class president represents only the senior class and has a main focus on class fundraising, prom preparations, senior parking organization, etc.”

The other class officers — for Juniors and Sophomores — similarly raise funds and organize activities within their class years.

Students are voting March 8 of 2016, but the student leaders will officially begin in their elected roles in the 2016-17 school year. That’s why your favorite Junior is running for Senior class officer — they’ll be a Senior when they take over the role.

This year students are running as a ticket, just like the real Presidential races. Students will be able to vote for a President and Vice President combination, not just one or the other. Names that are listed alone under a office are running unopposed.

Candidates began campaigning on Feb. 29 and will continue through March 4. Students have put up signs with slogans, offered handouts such as candy, cards and other items, and created videos and statements to be shown on student media organizations like TCTV and the Talon.

Find information below about all the candidates running for office for the 2016-17 school year.

Senior Class Officer Candidates

Senior Class President/Vice President:
Kenzie Magee and Brianna Mendez

“I, Kenzie Magee, am running for senior class president. I will be confident, strong willed, and persistent while taking the lead in creating a positive environment for Timber Creek.” — Kenzie Magee

“I, Brianna Mendez, am running for senior class vice president. I will create a Falcon Pride environment through hard work, dedication, and my passion for making a difference.” — Brianna Mendez


Chloe Appling and Kaity Rainwater

“By creating a productive environment through selflessness and compassion, the class of 2017 will be an unforgettable influence on Timber leaving a lasting legacy for those who follow our lead. ” — Chloe Appling

“Through boldness and inspirational acts, the class of 2017 will be motivated to accomplish great things in pursuit of our exciting futures. It’s not just about doing, it’s about improving!” — Kaity Rainwater

Senior Class Parliamentarian:
Kendall North

“By establishing traditions, culture and spirit throughout Timber Creek, particularly senior class, I will create a positive environment for students and ensure they are fulfilled with their high school experience. ” — Kendall North

Senior Class Historian:
Rachel Sertic

A statement from this candidate was not available at initial press time and will be updated when received.

Senior Class Secretary:
Canan Lusho

A statement from this candidate was not available at initial press time and will be updated when received.

Junior Class Officer Candidates

Junior Class President/Vice President:
Gracy Whitaker and Johney George

“As Junior Class President I hope to unify our class and create a positive environment where everyone feels happy, valued and welcomed.” — Gracy Whitaker

“As Junior Class vice-president I wish to unify our class by creating a welcoming environment for my peers. I hope to make junior year a year to remember!” — Johney George

Jade Ealy and Tyler Fowler

“My goal is to develop a culture where students feel encouraged to invest in their futures by taking pride in themselves, voicing their opinions, and getting involved within the school.” — Jade Ealy

A statement from this candidate was not available at initial press time and will be updated when received.

Tian Zhu and Jake Howard

“I’m Tian Zhu, I’m number 1 in my class, an active member of StuCo, and in tennis. I love Student Council and hope to play a larger role next year.”  — Tian Zhu

“I’m Jake Howard. I’m committed to running, art, and StuCo. My hopes are to achieve a larger role next year in Student Council and to unify the Junior Class more.” — Jake Howard

Sophomore Class Officer Candidates

Sophomore Class President/Vice President:
Jackie Ciarletta and Josh Tallman

“I am a hard-working person who is wholeheartedly dedicated to anything I set my mind to. I plan to make my class more united and supportive of each other.” — Jackie Ciarletta

A statement from this candidate was not available at initial press time and will be updated when received.

Student Body Officer Candidates

President/Vice President:
Dillon Fontaine and Kaylee Wyman

“I will bring change where it is needed, and action where it is called for. I will nurture the future leaders of TCHS, and set precedence for results on campus.” — Dillon Fontaine

“As a leader at our school, I, Kaylee Wyman, will help the students where I can. I will bring attention and action when it is needed most. ” — Kaylee Wyman

Emily Seay

A statement from this candidate was not available at initial press time and will be updated when received.

Sydney Cundiff

“As Student Council Parliamentarian, I will be dedicated to maintaining the peace and order at Timber Creek by respectfully and efficiently enforcing protocol among students.” — Sydney Cundiff

A form to vote for these candidates will be available on March 8 on the Talon.