Falcon Friends Come Together For Fun

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Falcon Friends is held every other Tuesday at 8 a.m. The club consists of 8 to 10 students at this time. The purpose of Falcon Friends is to figure out what events and parties they want to hold for the special needs members that attend. The parties consist of arts and crafts where the students mingle and make things together.

“The best part of it is seeing the others being so happy and having fun with the activities,” says Paige Erickson, a member of Falcon Friends. “Getting to know them is my favorite part.”

The fun of the club is that everyone hangs out, enjoying each others company, and eating really good food. So far there has been two parties: a welcoming party and a winter themed party.

“Falcon Friends is so inviting and staying with the others and having fun makes you feel right at home.” Erickson explains.

However, Erickson believes that some good changes can be made as she says she wishes that she could see the other teens more often. Erickson also thinks that more meetings should be added so that the club can provide more events for the best experience possible.

“Honestly, everyone should join because we have lots of fun parties and we get to know more people while eating good food. What’s not to love?” Erickson asks.

The plan for the next party is to decorate and stuff easter eggs and then hide them for students to participate. This party will be spring themed and held on Friday, March 11, during fifth period, before spring break begins.