TCHS Students Given Second Opportunity to Donate Life


TCHS Seniors interested in receiving their red cord have another blood drive donation opportunity on Tuesday, April 12, 2016.

There are windows available from 1:15-3:30, however students are not allowed to donate during class times and Seniors will have priority. Sign up in room N208 with Mrs. Reeder, but do it quickly because spaces are filling up fast.

The donation buses from Carter Blood Care will be here at Timber Creek accepting donations from students that are at least 16 years old (with parent consent) weighing more that 110 pounds. Seniors must check in at the cafeteria to get credit for their red cords.

Red cords are given in recognition of donation. Seniors graduating in 2016 need to have donated twice this year, with donations at least three months apart. However, starting with the graduating class of 2017, students will need to donate four times between 2016 and graduation. As there are only three donation drives during this time, 2017 Seniors will need to donate over summer to receive their red cord. Students may sign up adult parents, friends and family to donate in their name to go toward their donation requirements. Ask Mrs. Reeder for more information.

Once you’ve signed up, make sure you’ve filled out your parent permission form if you’re under 18. Students will need to bring a state-issued ID with their birthdate (driver’s license, state ID) to the donation bus with them. On the day of donation, make sure to eat a healthy meal low in fat (a fat heavy meal like cheeseburgers puts lipids in the blood that makes it harder to test for blood-borne pathogens and can lead to dizziness after donation) and drink plenty of fluids. Carter Blood recommends up to 16 fluid ounces of water prior to donation. Wear something loose and comfortable with access to the elbows; blood donation can take up to an hour. Carter Blood Care recommends that you take your time and rest after donating and refrain from participating in athletics or strenuous activity for 12 hours afterwards. For more requirements and recommendations, visit the Carter Blood Care website and be sure to read their FAQ’s.

Red Chords will be delivered the week before graduation to students who qualify and are to be worn during the graduation ceremony with any other organization chords. There’s no cost — payment will be accepted in the form of blood.

View a story on the previous Timber Creek blood drive below: