Everything You Need to Know About 2016 Algebra, Biology, US History EOC/STAAR

NOTE: This article was for the 2015-16 school year testing.

Timber Creek students have two EOC/STAAR days scheduled in early May, but each day is a little unique. Read on for full details on the schedule, locations, and if you can actually read after the tests…

We’re breaking this up by dates to make it easier to understand. This information may be updated even closer to testing. Bookmark it.

MAY 2, 2016 – Algebra I End of Course (EOC)/STAAR Testing

The Algebra I EOC/STAAR test is scheduled for Monday, May 2, 2016. Students who are testing will report directly to their rooms before 8:30 a.m. to begin testing.


Non-testing students will have a regular B Day schedule. Yeah, just like the last testing days. Due to some rooms being used by Algebra I testing, the following classes are relocated on that May 2, 2016 B Day schedule:

All other classes are in their normal locations.

Testing on May 2 is expected to end around 2 p.m. After testing centers are released, all students will go to their normal B Day schedule.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016 is a little different.

Students in EOC testing for Biology and US History will go to their assigned rooms by 8:30 a.m. on May 3, 2016 to start their tests.


Or scan this code:


Non-testing students get late arrival. Yeah! Late arrival!

The schedule — that administration says “is subject to change” — below shows details of both May 2 and May 3, so check that out before we answer more questions:



Let’s explain. If you’re not taking a Biology or US History test on May 3, you don’t have to arrive until 11:15 to 11:45 a.m. to check in with attendance.

From 11:45 a.m. (Note: that p.m. in the graphic above is a typo, not a timewarp) to 2 p.m., non-testing students will be divided by grade to go to the cafeteria for lunch, to an assembly in the Fine Arts Center, or to a gym for a study hall.


Test administrators believe EOC testing will be concluded by 2 p.m., and will dismiss all students — from both the testing centers and the lunch/gym/assembly — to their 4A classes.

Those 4A classes will only run until 2:50 p.m., then students will go to their 5th Period from 2:55 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.

But what about those Early Release students? Administrators say they’ll be able to leave at their normal times.

For Testing Students

Good news! After you’ve completed the test, you CAN read a book — as long as it doesn’t have content related to the test you’re taking. Even though you might need every minute to study all the things on the WHAP test, you can’t use any minutes in the testing center to do so. Safest bets are fiction novels about Muggles or Avoxes.

However, you’re going to want to prepare yourself BEFORE the test with some knowledge about the subject (your teachers will help with that) and the process of testing. Here are some helpful reminders:

  • Students will have to turn in their cell phones and store away other electronic devices when they are testing. This includes smart watches, Google Glass, and other things, too. Students will not get these back until all testing rooms are finished. At 8:29 a.m., text your friends and remind them that you’re not ignoring them, it’s the EOC/STAAR test.
  • Bring #2 Pencils. Bring a few of them. Just in case.
  • Bring your lunch. Test administrators will do a lunch count for those who need lunches from the cafeteria, but bringing your own hand-crafted ham sandwich on an artisan roll will be tastier.

This information may be updated even closer to testing. Bookmark it.