Keller Girls Lacrosse Ranks High in State, Nation

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Lacrosse isn’t a sport that’s wildly known, however the Keller Girls Lacrosse team is number one in the district 2 North Region.

The girls are 5-0 in their district games and 7-1 overall. The team has only had a varsity program for two years and have been doing excellent so far.

Congratulate the girls representing Timber Creek on the team: Cecily Anderson, Marissa Gibides, Brianna Heisler, and Madison Ott.

The team is ranked 11 in the state of Texas out of 52 total teams. They are the highest ranking D2 team. In the nation they are ranked 85 of 695 teams.

Their season is not over yet. The varsity team plays on these dates:

April 9 in Colleyville, 12 PM

April 12 in Allen, 7 PM

April 14 in Greenhill, 7:30 PM

The junior varsity plays on:

April 15 in Flower Mound, 5:30 PM

District play-off dates are still to come.