Four Schools Join Together for Percussion Concert

Timber Creek hosted a percussion concert on Saturday, April 30, in the Fine Arts Center from 5-6 p.m.

The event featured not only the percussion section of Timber Creek, but also the ones of Trinity Meadows Intermediate, Timberview Middle School and Trinity Springs. Each group performed their own ensemble, and the high school played a stand-still of this year’s indoor show.

Different from the drumline we’re all accustomed to, the concert will be showcasing more than just drums and beats.

“The concert is a chance for us to show our skills,” Madelyn Abbott said before the concert. “At concerts, we play three to four-minute ensembles and solos instead of just cadences.”

Additionally, the percussion program gave away a drum set during the concert. To enter the drawing, students could buy tickets in front of the cafeteria during lunches — one ticket for $5 and five tickets for $20.