Student Council Officers Prepare For the 2016-2017 School Year


While many love and look forward to student activities, the true beauty is what lies behind the scenes. The Timber Creek Student Council works hard all throughout the year, especially at summer workshops. These are used to develop the absolute best school year for each and every individual student.

Student Council is in charge of various events throughout the year. The events are for the betterment of the culture and climate at Timber Creek High School.

Most of the events that are held by StuCo are thought of many months prior. The majority of events are planned during an advanced leadership workshop held by the Texas Association of Student Councils. Timber Creek’s Student Council plans to attend the San Angelo workshop in San Angelo, Texas workshop in July. The event will be based on the growing of student leaders. Student Council leaders will be randomly placed into groups, or commonly known as “families”, with people from across the state. With this opportunity, the student leaders will be able to collaborate with many other like minded high school students.

Dillon Fontaine, incoming Student Body President, attended an advanced leadership workshop last summer. “I attended the Stephen F. Austin workshop last summer and over the course of the trip we planned around 90 percent of what Student Council did this year. With that being said, going into this summer I’m optimistic that Student Council will come out with some positive, influential and powerful projects for next year,” commented Fontaine. Summer workshops are meant to be the place where student leaders learn their potential for their community and most importantly their future.

There are a couple of student council officers that plan on attending the TASC advanced workshop and hope to learn exciting things to bring back to their campus.

Along with an exciting summer ahead of Student Council, the group will be experiencing some big changes. The current Student Council sponsor, Brian Day, will be furthering his teaching career during the 2016-2017 school year. Day will no longer be teaching at Timber Creek as he works to finish his degree through the Texas Christian University graduate program for administration. The new sponsor, Stacey Cleveland, Algebra I teacher, will be fulfilling Day’s position. Although many are sad to see Day go, many are excited to see this path Cleveland paves for Student Council.

Sarah Ryan, Student Council member, is “sad to see him go, it feels as if a part of Student Council will go with him. I do believe that it’ll take a lot of stress off of him since he was the senior class sponsor, a teacher of two subjects and working two other jobs. He can focus on many more of his great ideas. I know he will always be the best teacher of leadership to everyone he encounters.”

Jake Howard, incoming Student Council Sergeant at Arms, thinks “a new sponsor with new ideas will be good for our council.”

Fontaine describes the new sponsorship as “bitter- sweet, but we are ready.”

Cleveland attended the TASC annual state conference back in April where she met the Student Council officers for the first time and got a taste of what TASC is really all about.

“I had never really met this lady; all I knew about her was that she was new and not Mr. Day. After getting to know her, I was shocked. She is incredibly energetic, optimistic, organized and punctual. She is the embodiment of what StuCo needs to emulate,” says Fontaine.

Cleveland plans to attend the leadership workshop as well, where she will be able to collaborate with other advisors from across the state.

These next couple of months are looking exciting for Student Council officers. It’s just a short time before summer begins where they can fully act upon the planning for the next school year.