Choir is More Than Just Their Cookies

The Falcon Pizzazz show choir performs on Jan. 30, 2015. (Photo from The Creek Yearbook)
The Falcon Pizzazz show choir performs on Jan. 30, 2015. (Photo from The Creek Yearbook)

The buzz of life in the Timber Creek choir room never dies, not even when the hallways empty after school. Students breathe life into the room even before and after the bells, whether it be practicing their music or bonding with one another.

“I want to be the person people feel comfortable around,” said senior and choir president Hannah McIntyre when asked about goals for her presidential term. “I want to be the one who people feel like they can go to when they have questions or need help.”

And she had the answers. The choir department kicks off the year with an after school party on Friday, Sept. 9, which is followed by a Saturday full of uniform fittings — an event dubbed “Super Saturday.” These events are held in hopes that students from different choirs interact with one another outside of class and form bonds that they carry throughout high school, especially targeting incoming freshmen.

“All of the freshmen are so excited and ready to work,” McIntyre commented.

Alli Ulery, one of those freshmen, was baffled and confused on her first day of high school. But upon being asked about her first high school choir experience, she had nothing but positive words.

“When I walked into the room, people started complimenting me and asking how my day was,” Ulery said. “There was so much energy, and they made me feel loved and cared for.”

For the first time in Timber Creek history, six freshmen made it into the varsity show choir this year — Ulery being one of the underclassmen joining the seasoned seniors.

“Falcon Pizzazz, the show choir, is doing a tribute to Queen for the fall concert,” McIntyre added. “We have hints as to what the Pizzazz show itself is going to be like, but we’re not allowed to tell anyone yet.”

Pizzazz already had three days of rehearsal at the beginning of August, as well as performances at both Fish Camp and the Keller ISD Convocation. They continuously perform the National Anthem at pep rallies and are set to sing at home football games.

The show choir isn’t the only ones who practiced over the summer. Many students showed up to school in early August for four days of All-State camp. While some students had taken earlier college camps, the majority of the students received and learned ten songs in those four days in time to perform seven of them at a concert on August 11.

McIntyre mentioned, “My favorite part of All-State auditions is going to the rounds and meeting people from different choirs while also getting to sing and do what you love.”

The camp itself took place in preparation for four rounds of auditions; singers must pass in order to earn a spot in one of the Texas All-State choirs and a seat on the bus for a February weekend in San Antonio. The singers’ first round of auditions will be held on Sept. 17.

While All-State travels to San Antonio, anyone eligible in the choir has the opportunity to travel and compete in New York over spring break for the annual choir trip. The department alternates between in-state and out-of-state trips, with last year’s in-state being a drive to San Antonio and Corpus Christi, where Timber Creek placed first overall.

“In New York, we’re going to see two Broadway shows, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and a whole bunch of other fun stuff,” McIntyre said, although she wasn’t at liberty to divulge what kinds of shows were being seen.

With big dreams comes hard work, but it’s work many students enjoy.

Seth Storey, a junior in his second year as a member of the Varsity Mixed choir, commented, “Choir truly is my second family, and I’m thankful for all of the experiences I had and the friends I made through it.”

Unity seems to be a big theme within the department. Timber Creek choir hopes to have big plans and big achievements ahead. And yes, the widely popular choir cookies will be back on Friday, September 2.

Senior varsity show choir member Nam Nguyen additionally talked about choir’s therapeutic advantages.

“In the moment of singing with everyone, all of your stress, your conflicts, your drama, it just melts away,” Nguyen said. “When you’re singing, it’s impossible to feel hate, or stress, or any of those burdens from life or school.”

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Though she's a senior, this is Sarah's first year on Talon. Since she's in the Varsity Mixed choir, she hopes to write some stories in that area, but her main goal is to help the typical Timber Creek student feel less confused about this beautiful place called high school. All the same, she's still a fiction nerd, as proven by her involvement in TCHS Creative Writing stuff and her intent to most definitely publish her novel.