Falcons Worked Hard Over the Summer

TCHS Drumline members practice outside on Feb. 11, 2016. (Photo by Grace Nakajima.)
TCHS Drumline members practice outside. (Photo by Grace Nakajima.)

Summer is out and school is back in session, but for some students school came a little earlier. Many dedicated Falcon students from organizations such as Student Council, Sky Dancers and Band came back to school as early as July to make this year the best it can be.

The band department has been learning and rehearsing new routines for the upcoming football games. They began learning two out of five parts of a performance, which is twice as much as they had to do last year.

“Band camp this year was rigorous, but at the end of it we were much farther ahead than we were the previous year,” says band member Noah Pujol, “We overall have grown as musicians and marchers since last year so we could do more advanced technique and music faster.”

Our Student Council has also been a key part in helping to prepare for the school year by attending meetings and workshops to better their leadership skills, share ideas and plan projects for Timber Creek in order to strengthen our community.

“We hope to build a positive vertical community by getting kids excited to become a Falcon,” says StuCo President Dillon Fontaine. They also hosted and provided 80 volunteers for this year’s Fish Camp, and ran two car washes each with ten volunteers each to raise money for the school year.

Along with band, the Timber Creek Sky Dancers have also been rehearsing hard for this year’s pep rally and upcoming football games. With camp starting for them on July 25, the girls having been working to learn several routines.

“We’ve all been working super hard since day one,” says Natalie Powell, “I really feel like this year is gonna be a great year for us.”

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Kaylee is a senior at TCHS and is excited for her first year on Talon. She enjoys reading, writing, music, and spends all her money and free time at concerts.