Timber Creek Today – Aug. 29, 2016

Here comes the second week of school — tackle it with this information.

The first Interact meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 4:00 p.m. If you are interested in being a leader and serving both their local community and the world, join Interact Club.

The Falcon Photography Club is accepting membership forms until the end of the month, see Mrs. Beers in room N 202.

Everyone but Seniors are getting their yearbook pictures taken Sept. 1&2 during your history classes.  Ask your history teacher for the order form, take it home, and bring it back on picture day.

If you’re technically a junior, but you’re graduating this spring with the class of 2017 DO NOT have your picture taken with your history class. Call Glamourcraft at 817-292-8989 to schedule a time to take your senior pictures.

If you’re senior who hasn’t taken your yearbook pictures yet, quit playing and call Glamourcraft IMMEDIATELY at 817-292-8989 to schedule a time to take your senior yearbook photos. ONLY GLAMOURCRAFT PHOTOS will be used in the portrait section of the yearbook.

Want to help organize and create events for our school and community? Join Student Council! Our first StuCo meeting will be after school TODAY in the Lecture Hall at 4pm. Pick up applications outside of Mrs. Cleveland’s room N-229.

The first ASL club meeting will be on Wednesday Aug, 31 3:50 to 4:30 p.m. There will be games and free food. Anyone is welcome, knowledge and enrollment in ASL is not required.

This year tardies are taken by the teacher. Get to class on time, there is no tardy center. Upon the 4th tardy, and every one thereafter, you will have a consequence. When the fight song starts playing at 8:29 a.m., that means you have one minute before the tardy bell rings. Get to class!

The first Falcon Friends meeting will be Sept. 6 @ 7:30 a.m. in M109! Meetings are every first Tuesday of the month.

All cars must be out of the band lot by 4 p.m. daily or cars will be towed.

Texas Association of Future Educators, or TAFE, will have their first meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 6 @ 3:50 pm in M105.

FCCLA, the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, will have their first meeting also on Tues Sept. 6 @ 3:50 in M103.