Choir Cookies Return Friday, Sept. 9

Choir Cookies will return for sale on Friday, Sept. 9, 2016.

To celebrate the return, TCTV, the Falcon Pizzazz show choir and a special guest got together to do a new version of the now infamous “Choir Cookies” song.

But the process was more involved than just getting everyone in the same room…

The Legend Lives On

As this year’s TCTV crews started planning at the end of the 2015-16 school year, one thing was clear: Choir Cookies needed a new version for 2016-17. A ridiculous plan was hatched.

“There was an idea to have the choir themselves sing a Choir Cookies song and that transformed into riffing off the original version Daniel Nkoola put together last year,” TCTV advisor Greg Janda said.

As the process continued, the team realized that to have the promo done before cookies were going to be sold, they’d have to work over the Summer.

“We actually filmed the last shot in June 2016, before the end of the 2015-16 school year,” Janda said. The team had also contacted Choir Director Amy Fambrough about using the show choir even before the 2016-17 school year started.

With a plan in place, the next step was writing the music. Choir student Aiden Barriga stepped in to build a chorale version of the song.

Show choir member Adrianna Jagodzinski said the whole process was fairly easy, but also very fun.

“I thought it was completely hilarious,” Jagodzinksi told Talon. “I can’t believe we were actually doing this.”

Recording the song and video was handled in two parts, with the choir vocal recording completed in the choir room before moving to the Fine Arts Center for video filming. After filming, it was up to TCTV Broadcast student Frankie Lopez to edit together.

“It was pretty difficult, but a lot of fun,” Lopez said.

Lopez had to sync the audio recording with the video portions filmed in the FAC — and some of the video didn’t have sound. “They were all different shots, the way they were shot I couldn’t really see or hear them and that made it harder.”

Even with some difficulties, the final version came through as the dramatic vision the teams were looking for.

“I love the close up on Quentin’s hands. That’s my favorite,” Lopez said, describing her favorite shot. “It just adds to the feel of the video, it’s more dramatic and he has a lot of talent and I’m really jealous of him.”

Overall, the show choir members hope that the new version will help students associate the group to the cookies that help them raise funds.

“Finally they’re going to see what the choir can do,” Jagodzinksi said. “Hopefully it’ll bring a lot more people to our concerts.”

At very least, it’ll make people hungry.