First Six-Weeks For Fish: Did You Sink or Float?

Our Timber Creek freshmen are coming to the end of their first high school grading period this week. The time for SAVE forms and kleenex has arrived for some, while for others it’s just another six-weeks.

“I was expecting it to be a lot harder workload than it is now.” said Wyatt Greenhill. “My first couple of weeks have been tougher than all my previous years, but it’s manageable.”

The first year of high school is an exciting challenge, however, some students felt the change in pace to be more demanding.

“Middle school was so much different,” Brichetto explained. “there’s a lot more homework here.”

It’s true that the work only grows going forward, so a note to the freshmen: do not procrastinate. Although her homework load was a surprise, Brichetto’s expectations of the halls at Timber Creek were spot on.

“I honestly was expecting it to be really crowded,” she said. For a smaller student, C-Hall is a brand-new experience. It is something different, “but I love it.” Brichetto pointed out.

Timber Creek has a very supportive community of students and staff to help all students through these four years,. This is only the beginning for all you “fish”, so work hard and just keep swimming.