Help the Community with Interact Club

Timber Creek’s Interact Club just kicked off their school year with their first meeting held on Wednesday, Sept. 9.

Interact is a club where students can get together to help their community through service projects and collaboration. It also helps students meet others with similar goals and interests towards making their community a better place. Interact gives students the opportunities to support causes and organizations that they are passionate about. The Interact club is sponsored by Rotary, an organization that works to meet the needs and overcome challenges or hardship in communities worldwide.

Interact members are able to volunteer in upcoming events such as the Keller Run in the Dark, Caprock Elementary Book Fair, North Texas Bike Rally and many more. It offers many ways to be involved in the community and gain volunteer opportunities for Green Cord and National Honors Society. Interact is focused on service and helping others in society.

Interact meetings will be moved to the second Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. with a makeup meeting the following Thursday at 8 a.m. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 12 at 4 p.m. or Thursday, Oct. 13 at 8 a.m. in room S217. Officer elections will take place at these upcoming meetings.

If you would like to apply, pick up an application in room Ms. West’s room, S217. Membership is $15.