Interested in Gaming? Video Game Club Meets Every Tuesday After School


Every Tuesday after school in Micheal Otto’s room, S215, TCHS students gather to become soldiers, go-kart racers and Kirbys. The only way this is possible is through the Video Game Club.

Joshua See, the club president of the Video Game Club, created the club last spring of 2015 so that people in TCHS can enjoy playing video games. See asked Michael Otto, TC AP Government and United States History teacher, to sponsor the club because See knew about Mr.Otto’s obsession with video games. Otto agreed and the video game club is currently still running accepting new members.

In the video game club, there are no requirements or special standards a person has to face. The person only has to appreciate video gaming. The club is described by many of the group members as “a small group playing video games,” so everyone is welcome.

The Video Game Club plays a variety of games, from first person shooter games to Nintendo, and suggestions are encouraged.

“We play anything if anyone suggests it,” See said,“I see if it is appropriate and then if it is, we play it.” The Video Game Club is very open to member’s different game interests.

Gadelyn Molin, a recent member in the video game club, describes her favorite video game called “Persona 4 Golden.”

Molin said, “It is a video game about a high schooler, fighting humans that are turned into monsters.” Gadelyn also loves PS2 games such as the Tony Hawk skateboarding games because her mom was also fascinated in video games.

Another new member from the September 13th meeting, Luke Parker, also has a favorite game named “Halo 3.”

“I played the game when I was a kid on Xbox, that is why I like it so much,” Parker explained.

Parker said “Halo 3” was his favorite video game because it was the best campaign ( story-telling war strategy game) that he ever played.

On September 13th, the video game club played “Halo 2: Anniversary Masterchief Edition” and on September 20th, they plan to play “Super Smash Bros” on the projector screen in Otto’s room S215.

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Adrianna Jagodzinski is a 17 year old senior and a first year Talon reporter. She is a varsity mixed/show choir member in the TCHS choir program and is also in NHS. On her bucket list she wishes to skydive, go to Bolivia, and be a choir director.