Spanish Club Meeting on Sept. 21


Spanish Club’s first meeting is being held on Wednesday, Sept. 21.

It will take place in Señora Williams room, S114 and will last until 4:15 p.m. Speaking Spanish is not required to be in the club.

To join, just pick up an application outside of room S114 or from any Spanish teacher. There is a ten dollar fee to join and anyone who turns in their money by Monday will receive five dollars off of their Spanish club t-shirt. T-shirts will also be voted on at the first meeting.

Each meeting will include talks about Spanish culture and free food. Students in the club will also participate in culture outings, social events and community service.

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Kaylee is a senior at TCHS and is excited for her first year on Talon. She enjoys reading, writing, music, and spends all her money and free time at concerts.