TC Wind Ensemble Blows Judges Away


Timber Creek’s 2015-16 Wind Ensemble received Commended Status in the Citation of Excellence Competition, which they entered in the spring of 2016. That means the students finished among the top 50% in the competition.

“I think this is a great accomplishment for the Wind Ensemble. I think it proves our hard work and makes the work worth it,” Paige Greene, TC sophomore, said.

Timber Creek band directors hired someone to professionally record Wind Ensemble playing to submit it. After the recording was submitted, it was heard by a panel of judges.

“I was so ecstatic and proud of the ensemble. We worked a lot of hours and put a lot of effort into making the best music we possibly could,” Issa Shiber, TC junior and two year Wind Ensemble member, added.

The Wind Ensemble, TC’s second band, worked everyday from 8 a.m. until 9:20 a.m., the end of first period during the last school year. They also practiced select days before and after school.

Payton Butler, a Timber Creek junior and Wind Ensemble member, said, “Honestly sometimes, I did feel like it wasn’t worth all the long practices and frustration but in the end it was worth it because we put our best effort in.”

Congratulations to our Timber Creek Wind Ensemble on their award!

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Ashley Nagel is attending Texas A&M University in Fall 2017 to study psychology and journalism. She would like to thank Greg Janda and the amazing Talon staff for her experiences from the last two years.