The Tardy Party is Over: New Tardy Policy Effective Immediately

Timber Creek has a new tardy policy that is effective immediately, and it’s very different compared to years past.

Tardies are now cumulative, not independent to class period, which means that you only have three chances before you have to start making up the time you missed.  The tardy punishments are as follows:

3rd tardy: You will receive a notice warning you about your tardies and the punishments that will follow if you get another one.

4th tardy: 30 minute after school detention

5th tardy: 60 minute after school detention

6th tardy: Saturday School

7th tardy: Saturday School & Conference with parent, student, and Assistant Principal

8th tardy: Suspension

9th + tardy: Suspension & Possible loss of privileges (Revoking extracurricular privileges)

When asked about why the administration has decided to change the tardy policy, Ms. Morgan, Assistant Administrator, replied and said, “Because we have added a minute to the passing period, we feel as an administrative team that it is really important for our students to be in class for as much time as possible, and we have decided this year to tighten up the tardy policy. There are now fewer warnings and if you make the decision to take time out of your school day, you have to give back that time.”

Morgan also added, “We are not out to get you; we just want you to value your education as much as we value it.”

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