Timber Creek Students Make Up 19-Percent of Region Jazz Band

On Saturday, Sept. 17, a group of jazz students from the TCHS Band auditioned for the Region 30 Jazz Bands. There are 38 Jazz Region spots, and Timber Creek took seven of them. Timber Creek makes up 19% of the two bands, the most students in all of Keller ISD. The following students have earned a spot in the region jazz bands:

Alto Saxophone: Ana Luiza de Oliveira

Tenor Saxophone: Reese Hyatt

Baritone Saxophone: John Pence

Tenor Trombone: Noah Gresh

Trumpet: Tanner Price

Trumpet: Brendan Chucci

Guitar: Andy Brooks

Three of these students have advanced to Area where they will send in a recording to be considered for the All-State Jazz Band. The Area students are:

Tenor Saxophone: Reese Hyatt

Trumpet: Tanner Price

Guitar: Andy Brooks

“My goal was to make the Region band, so the fact that I made Area and get a chance to make the State band is really awesome,” said sophomore Reese Hyatt.

The jazz clinic is Monday, Nov. 14, followed by the concert on Tuesday, Nov. 15, at Aledo High school.

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Lauren is a reporter for the Timber Creek Talon. She joined the Talon to express and deepen her love for writing. She is a senior this year and a drum major for the band.

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