Timber Creek Today – Sept. 2, 2016

Here comes the 3 Day Weekend — but first, let’s let you know what’s going on…

HOSA will hold its first meeting on September 8 at 3:50 p.m. in the Lecture Hall. Students who want to join the club can attend to learn more information and pick up applications.

Students will be able to submit both written works and digital representations of artwork for the Fall Literary Magazine on Monday Sept. 19. Submissions will be open until November 17.

Today is the last day students in grades 9 through 11 will be taking their yearbook photos during their history classes.

If you’re technically a Junior, but you’re graduating with the class of 2017 DO NOT have your picture taken with your history class. Call Glamourcraft at 817-292-8989 to schedule a time to take your senior pictures.

If you’re a senior who hasn’t taken their yearbook picture yet, quit playing and call Glamourcraft IMMEDIATLEY at 817-292-8989 to  take your senior yearbook photos. ONLY GLAMOURCRAFT PHOTOS will be used in the portrait sections of the yearbook.

Come support your Falcons tonight at 7:30. Falcons will be going head to head with Azle. Remember it’s an away game!

Timber Creek’s first pep rally will be on Thursday September 8. The theme will be purple out.

The first interact meeting is Wednesday, September 7 at 4:00 p.m. If you are interested in being a leader and serving both their local community and the world, join Interact Club.

If you have not received your Senior Sunrise t-shirt, please pick it up in Mrs. Boehringer’s room M106 before or after school.

Want to help organize and create events for our school and community? Join Student Council! Pick up applications outside of Mrs. Cleveland’s room N229.

This year tardies are taken by the teacher. Get to class on time, there is no tardy center. Upon the 4th tardy, and every one thereafter, you will have a consequence. When the fight song starts playing at 8:29 a.m., that means you have one minute before the tardy bell rings. Get to class!

The first Falcon Friends meeting will be Sept. 6 @ 7:30 a.m. in M109! Meetings are every first Tuesday of the month.

All cars must be out of the band lot by 4 p.m. daily or cars will be towed.

Texas Association of Future Educators, or TAFE, will have their first meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 6 @ 3:50 pm in M105.

FCCLA, the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, will have their first meeting also on Tues Sept. 6 @ 3:50 in M103.

NHS Members – Please follow us on Twitter for important updates: @tc_nhs. First meeting is Wednesday Sept. 7th @ 4:00pm or Thursday Sept. 8th @ 8:00am, both in the Lecture Hall!! You must attend one of the meetings.  We’ll discuss what to expect out of NHS this year.

The video game club will be meeting every Tuesday, at 3:50, in Mr. Otto’s room (s215).

STEM club is accepting membership applications now. Please see Mr. Dean in room M116, Mr. Fuqua in room M115, or Mr. Gopffarth in room M114 for an application. You can also get an application on the wall outside M116 in the main hall entrance. The next STEM club meeting is Wednesday September 7, 2016. This meeting will be held in room M114, Mr. Gopffarth’s room. Details will be given on VEX Robotics Competition Starstruck.
If you are interested in Robotics and Automation, STEM club is the place to start.