Timber Creek Today – Sept. 30, 2016

Cookies. Cheering. Hype.

It’s the last day of the 1st six weeks.

TCTV has a brand new cast this year and along with them comes a brand new set. Take a look.

On Saturday, Oct. 1, the Timber Creek Band will travel to Conroe, Texas for their first marching competition of the season, BOA Conroe. Read More.

Timber Creek has a financial aid night scheduled on Wednesday, Oct. 5 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center. Read More.

Timber Creek has a new tardy policy that is effective immediately, and it’s very different compared to years past. Read More.

The Timber Creek High School Swim Sprint Invitational meet on Sept. 24 was a big success. Read More.

On Sept. 24 the speech and debate team faced off against 38 other schools at the Lindale tournament. Read More.


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