CTE Project Provides Empathy for the Elderly

A project in Timber Creek’s Human Growth and Development class gives teens new perspective for the elderly.

Senior Alexis Henry and many other students are participating in TCHS’ Human Growth and Development classes taught by Mrs. Boehringer.

In this class they talk about life “from womb to tomb.” Boehringer said students will plan weddings, baby showers, and even funerals.

For one project, the Geriatrics simulator, students put on all of the weights and materials to represent what it’s like to be an elderly person.

“You can’t walk fast, you walk very slow, the weights bring you down, and it’s just sad. I can’t explain it, I would not want to wear this ever again.” states Alexis Henry.

“I just want them to have empathy for the elderly, maybe people with disabilities, and just not to take their bodies and their youth for granted. Everyone is going to get old, I just want them to expect what’s coming,” Boehringer says.

Watch the video above for more details.

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