Earth Warriors Picnic Saturday, Oct. 8

Earth Warriors was created “to convey the message of clean living and environmental conservation to the student body,” said Club President, Joseph Harris.

The club meets every second Monday and Tuesday of the month in Coach Arkfeld’s room M212. After school meetings are on Monday and before school meetings are on Tuesday. They have an open door policy, so anyone can attend at least one of those meetings a month.

The Earth Warriors will be hosting a social picnic this Saturday, Oct. 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Bear Creek Park. Anyone is welcome to join.

Each club meeting consists of a PowerPoint presentation including a Motive of the Month, information on projects and any other important information the club officials wish to convey to the members.

“The projects we do involve direct interaction with the community around us such as hiking, dog walking, picnics, etc. We hope that these examples of community service will encourage people to take an active role in helping our environment and community,” said Harris.

Don’t be nervous to take that first step in becoming a savior of your planet by joining the Earth Warriors.

“The Earth is, for now, our only home and if we can make the difference it takes to save it and keep it providing for us, then people should take that chance,” said Harris. “It’s a really good cause that I think more people should get behind.”


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Tabitha is a senior who absolutely loves writing for the Talon. While she spends most of her time watching Netflix, she also enjoys writing, spending time with friends and family, and helping others. She adores coffee, pizza, and puppies.

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