Falcons Take on Kangaroos in Football This Friday

This Friday your Timber Creek Falcons face off with the Weatherford Kangaroos.

Weatherford had a very below average season this year winning only one of the six games played so far. Timber Creek is the obvious favorite to win in this one, scoring on average 40 points per game to Weatherford’s 16.

Timber Creek not only has more points per game, but also has more rushing yards, passing yards and explosive plays per game. It’s safe to say that if Timber keeps using their stellar passing game mixed with a few runs every now and again, it will be a simple win over the Kangaroos’ average defense.

The most important thing for the Falcons is to tighten up is their defense. In the past few games, this Timber defense has given out on some pretty key points in the game. If Timber wants to make it to playoffs level they need to not just rely on offense, they need to make defensive stops too.

The game is Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Weatherford which is not far enough to keep The Nest away! So get out there and support your team while they try to get back on track for the playoffs season that everyone is hoping for.

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