Fall Literary Magazine Submissions Due Nov. 17

The Literary Magazine is an inclusive way to share a variety of creative works by Timber Creek students.

Starting on Monday, Sept. 19, students will be able to submit both written works and digital representations of artwork through an online submission form that will be available on the Talon website.

Click here to go to that form

The deadline to submit any work for the Literary Magazine will be Nov. 17, providing a team of Timber Creek students time to select the content that will be published before the magazine is released on Dec. 14.

Written pieces can be fiction, nonfiction, short stories or poems, and cannot exceed 2,000 words. Materials selected will be based on length, subject matter and other considerations before publishing.

For artwork, please submit photographs that are as unaltered as possible. Digital art and graphics pieces will be accepted, however photos with significant alterations to the look of the original work may be denied.

We encourage many of you to submit your creative works so that they can be viewed by your fellow Timber Creek classmates in the fall semester Literary Magazine.

Download a copy of the Spring 2016 Literary Magazine, “Mosiac,” by clicking here: Mosiac – TCHS Flight – Literary Magazine – Spring 2016

Submit Your Work for the Fall 2016 Literary Magazine

Submit Your Creative Work Here

Submit Your Creative Work Here

Please enter the name you would like to be credited with. Pseudonyms are acceptable, as we'll verify you're at Timber Creek via your Student ID.

Any student IDs collected are for verification purposes. These will not be published.

Any e-mails collected are for communication purposes between the selection panel, organizers, and the authors. These will not be published.

If no title is provided, the work will be marked untitled.

If submitting written work, please copy and paste the text here. If you run out of space, please use the litmag@timbercreektalon.com e-mail.

Please check these boxes. They are required.


Or e-mail your work to litmag@timbercreektalon.com

Written by 

Tabitha is a senior who absolutely loves writing for the Talon. While she spends most of her time watching Netflix, she also enjoys writing, spending time with friends and family, and helping others. She adores coffee, pizza, and puppies.