Fashion Show Auditions Nov. 9-10 2016

Remember putting on a fashion show with your friends growing up? Well, get ready to do it again because a fashion show is coming to Timber Creek.

Advanced Fashion Design Class students are putting together a fashion show in the spring. Nov. 9-10,  during 4th period, the students will be hosting model casting calls, and ANYONE can audition. There are no requirements to sign up. Roughly 50 models are needed for the show. Students can pick up applications for the auditions in Mrs. Smith´s room, M 105 and must return them prior to the audition.

¨We want to show everyone what the fashion program does,¨ fashion design student Candace Thomas says.

This is the first year for the Advanced Fashion Design class, and what a better way to start than to put talent to work in a fashion show?

¨We’d appreciate if people could come support the fashion program,” Jordan Williams, another fashion design student, adds. “So spread the word.”

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I'm a senior, and this is my first year on the Talon. Listening to rain fall while reading and writing is my favorite thing to do.

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